There are two species of Limna in Honsu. Do you know how to separate them?
I think I have two Limna sp images, which look quite different. However, the second one might not be Limna sp.
I think image1000021793 is Limna japonica.(ヤマトヤチバエ Yamato-yachibae)
image1000029664 is ??
I think 1000029664 is Trigonometopus species.(Lauxaniidae) (=? T.forficula )
Perhaps,you can not see the color of the wings on my picture. But I can see the same(?) color as your picture, with my sampules. I think the species of my picture is very similar to your picture. But I do not know whether it is the same spicies or not.
The Mokuroku database has only one species within gthe genus Trigonometopus on Honshu, T. frontalis. Do you know whether other species occcur too? T. forficula is not in the database. Maybe they are synonims?
I'll name the fly as T. frontalis temporarily. It is surprising that Limna sp (Sciomyzidae) and Trigonometopus sp (Lauxaniidae) are so similar to each other. Thx for your help. |
In the Japanese Insect database there are only three entries. And nigricans is not present. Is that a non-valid species name or a synonym?
I think No2. is nigricans.(仆灼牧奔諺舗エ)
So I think No.1 is not nigricans.But I do not know the species. About No.3 and No.4,I think they are basilaris,too. (冏蔚論湫舗エ) Please make sure.
2はミスジヒメヒロクチバエ。3.4.はムネアカマダラバエ ではないかと思います。(思っているのです) ムネアカの方は、腹部後半節の色彩がもっと黒いのが普通と思いますが、変異の範囲か?違う種か?標本見ないとここまでですね。
I think maybe 1 and 2 are the same species. I made the picture at the very same location, though Image 1 is from 2oo4 and Image 2 is from 2oo5. The two images are very similar, except the black markings on the wings are much stronger on the fly shown on Image 1. Maybe it is a gender difference, or individual variation. |
大丈夫ですね。Web図鑑にも十分使えそうです。(だからこの画像貸して〜〜m(. .)m )
分かりました〜 中間テスト終わった頃にきっちり撮影して投稿します☆
あと画像に焼きこんであったデータ文字については画像を縮小すると飛んじゃうので、消して、下に入れました。 和名、学名については市毛さん作成のリストにあわせるために修正しました。 あと時期のことなんですが、山桜が咲くころって、4月(W)ですか?6月(Y)ですか?信州だと5月なんだけど・・ |
バグリッチさん, TQさん, Kuwachanさん, Xepokさん,の投稿された画像を双翅目Web図鑑の扉ページ のFlashに組み込ませていただきました。事後報告になりますがお許しください。m(..)m....かっこいい画像だったんで・・・つい・・
Xepok, I had you let it use the Microdon's picture which you contributed this BBS.
かっこいいの一言です(~_~) 中身を充実させなくては;^_^)
Sure, please feel free to use any of my images.
My gallery has close to 10.000 images now, with maybe 2-3.000 more images waiting to be processed and uploaded. These show at least 3,000 species that I observed between 2004-2005. By the end of the year it is likely to overtake even as far as the number of images are concerned and thereby I think it will possibly become the largest animal image gallery in Japan. My time in Japan, however, is nearing to an end, so I won't be able to continue to build up my Japanese wildlife gallery. I like the idea of very much. Originally I have a plan to open up my gallery for everyone, that is, everyone could register and upload images to the site. I plan to restrict the uploading of Lepidoptera images ( is good, and there is no need for another similar site) and vertebrate images (there are many bird sites). The image content management system I use is well suited for that, and I have to change a very few parameters to modify my current setup. The use of this system is very easy to learn. The administrator can set priviliges for various users. I know that there are many people who make photos, but can not publish them on the net, because they are not good with computers. For them this would be a nice thing. But I have problems: 1, right now I think, that being a non-Japanese, who also will leave Japan is not a right combination to manage such a site. 2, my is around 300 MB and already attracts 2-3 GB of traffic a month. I pay for my host for a package that has 2000 MB place and 60GB of traffic. I think the traffic could easily become the limiting factor if many people would start to use the site. 3, I would like to maintain the integrity and the uniform looks of my image gallery. This means that I would like to receive only sqare images. Though the image content management system can cope with other sizes, the sqare-formed photos look the best. This means that it would be better if someone else set up a similar image management system at a non-commercial site (like a university or research institute). I am willing to help and provide my image gallery as a start-up collection for that, if someone is interested. So tell me if you are interested in the idea.
画像は、どうぞご利用ください。 私の画像の多くは、リーバーサルのオリジナルを、デジカメで撮った複製ですので、画質が悪いのですが、この画像は、珍しく、デジカメでの直接撮影です。 ※意味もなく、秋のキゴシハナアブ(目にピントがあってない。すいません)
今後はスピードアップしていきたいものです。 英文・・長い・・・ Xespokさんはもうじき留学期間が終わりになっちゃうのかな・・・帰ってHPが閉鎖されちゃう前に彼のサイトの中のDipteraの良い画像を選んでお借りしたいとおもいます。 |
私はハエ屋でもないのに東京都の双翅目録を作っております。ただ今963種を数え、神奈川を追い越し埼玉に次ぐ県別種数2位になりました。とは言うもののメバエ科の記録はありませんので種名がわかると1種増えてうれしいです。目標はsp種を含まず1200種です。 東京都本土部昆虫目録作成プロジェクト 略称:TKM
とりあえず、中国蝿類を見てみますと、属はConopsで良いと思われますし、腹部は黒で、後縁に黄帯があり、頭部は黒で頬は黄色という記述にも合います。肩甲部の色が見難いのですが、黄色の部分があるでしょうか?あれば完全に中国蝿類のジョウザンメバエ Conops flavipesの記述に合致します。大きさは体長 約12mm、翅展7〜7.5mmとなっています。
各種Webの画像で見られるものよりはやや小さめですが確かに肩部に黄紋があります。体長は11-12mmといったところです。ジョウザンメバエ Conops flavipesでよさそうですね。ありがとうございました。 |
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