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[ 指定コメント (No.1766) の関連スレッドを表示しています。 ]

事後承諾(拝み) 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/10/14(Fri) 11:37 No.1765  引用 
バグリッチさん, TQさん, Kuwachanさん, Xepokさん,の投稿された画像を双翅目Web図鑑の扉ページ http://furumusi.aez.jp/diptera_web.htm のFlashに組み込ませていただきました。事後報告になりますがお許しください。m(..)m....かっこいい画像だったんで・・・つい・・

Xepok, I had you let it use the Microdon's picture which you contributed this BBS. http://furumusi.aez.jp/diptera_web.htm 

Re: 事後承諾(拝み) 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/10/14(Fri) 13:21 No.1766  引用 



双翅目Web図鑑 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/10/14(Fri) 17:39 No.1769  引用 


Re: 事後承諾(拝み) 投稿者:Xespok 投稿日:2005/10/14(Fri) 18:50 No.1770  引用 
Sure, please feel free to use any of my images.

My gallery has close to 10.000 images now, with maybe 2-3.000 more images waiting to be processed and uploaded. These show at least 3,000 species that I observed between 2004-2005.

By the end of the year it is likely to overtake even www.jpmoth.org as far as the number of images are concerned and thereby I think it will possibly become the largest animal image gallery in Japan.

My time in Japan, however, is nearing to an end, so I won't be able to continue to build up my Japanese wildlife gallery.

I like the idea of www.jpmoth.org very much. Originally I have a plan to open up my gallery for everyone, that is, everyone could register and upload images to the site. I plan to restrict the uploading of Lepidoptera images (jpmoth.org is good, and there is no need for another similar site) and vertebrate images (there are many bird sites).

The image content management system I use is well suited for that, and I have to change a very few parameters to modify my current setup. The use of this system is very easy to learn. The administrator can set priviliges for various users.

I know that there are many people who make photos, but can not publish them on the net, because they are not good with computers. For them this would be a nice thing.

But I have problems:

1, right now I think, that being a non-Japanese, who also will leave Japan is not a right combination to manage such a site.

2, my is around 300 MB and already attracts 2-3 GB of traffic a month. I pay for my host for a package that has 2000 MB place and 60GB of traffic. I think the traffic could easily become the limiting factor if many people would start to use the site.

3, I would like to maintain the integrity and the uniform looks of my image gallery. This means that I would like to receive only sqare images. Though the image content management system can cope with other sizes, the sqare-formed photos look the best.

This means that it would be better if someone else set up a similar image management system at a non-commercial site (like a university or research institute). I am willing to help and provide my image gallery as a start-up collection for that, if someone is interested.

So tell me if you are interested in the idea.

Re: 事後承諾(拝み) 投稿者:バグリッチ 投稿日:2005/10/14(Fri) 22:29 No.1773  引用 





Re: 事後承諾(拝み) 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/10/14(Fri) 23:17 No.1774  引用 


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