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[ 指定コメント (No.1278) の関連スレッドを表示しています。 ]

Interesting fly 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/05/21(Sat) 00:21 No.1278  引用 
I have observed this rather sizable fly a few times in late April in Seia-cho, Kyoto-fu. I have no idea what this image shows, not even at the family level.

Re: Interesting fly 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/05/21(Sat) 18:47 No.1284  引用 
This is Pyrgotidae.

Paradapsilia trinotata Chen, 1947

Japanese name "Mitsumon-hachimodokibae"

See the following page.

Re: Interesting fly 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/05/23(Mon) 11:52 No.1292  引用 
Thank you for the ID. This is my first observation ever of this Pyrgotidae. I read a little bit about this family, and it seems that these flies parasitize Scarabaeidae beetles in other areas of the world. Interestingly, I saw these flies in late April, when there are very few Scarabaeidae around, they are most dominant from May to July in Japan. Do you know more about the habits of this fly?

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