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[ 指定コメント (No.1233) の関連スレッドを表示しています。 ]

無題 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/05/09(Mon) 06:20 No.1232  引用 
A male of Platycheirus, it looks a bit like the European P. albimanus!

Re: 無題 投稿者:ハエ男 投稿日:2005/05/09(Mon) 10:29 No.1233  引用 
Thanks Gerard

No.1226 image Syrphidae is Platycheirus urakawensis.(writen No.1231)
Handlename-Hirataabu write forleg bristles & color ,antena's color,is P.urakawensis.

This species record from Hokkaido,Honshu,kyushu.

Re: 無題 投稿者:ヒラタアブ 投稿日:2005/05/10(Tue) 03:21 No.1238  引用 
Dear Gerard,

P. urakawensis is quite similer to P. albimanus.
Look at the picture of No.1227, please.
We can distinguish the former from the latter by the characteristics of frontal leg.
The antero-outer corner of tibia is round in the former and sharp in the latter.
The basitarsus is the broadest at the center in the former and at the anterior margin in the latter.

Sincerely yours,

Re: 無題 投稿者:ヒラタアブ 投稿日:2005/05/10(Tue) 03:26 No.1239  引用 
Sorry, I had a mistake.
The number of photograph is No.1229 but No.1227.

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