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[ 指定コメント (No.2034) の関連スレッドを表示しています。 ]

Syrphidae 投稿者:Xespok 投稿日:2005/12/19(Mon) 12:22 No.2033  引用 


I think this can not be T. apiforme, because this image does not match with


at your page. (There is a typos apiform -> apiforme)

The most notable difference are the light tarsi on the front legs, but the overall shape and pattern does not match either.

Maybe T. bombylans?

Thanks for the lots of inofrmation, I try to update my pages with them, but I am quite busy now, I'll move back to Europe tomorrow.



Re: Syrphidae 投稿者:Ichige 投稿日:2005/12/19(Mon) 23:52 No.2034  引用 

I had made the mistake in typewrite a scientific name again. It corrects later.

There is color variation in the leg of Temnostoma apiforme.
Possibly it may be another species.
I am investigating the question now.

Abdominal form is with my specimen bend.

Temnostoma bombylans and T. nitobei is a even slender species, with more yellowish abdominal bands and the anterior portion of wing has a remarkably brown pattern.

By the way, the photograph which you took is beautiful and interest.

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