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1: 無題 (3) / 2: ヤドリバエの不明種につきまして (2) / 3: 無題 (1) / 4: ミズアブ科?不明種について (5) / 5: 無題 (2) / 6: これはなんでしょうか? (2) / 7: ハチモドキバエ? (3) / 8: ハナアブ科不明種 (2) / 9: 無題 (0) / 10: 続きです (2) / 11: ハイジマハナアブについて (5) / 12: Protopiophilaでしょうか? (7) / 13: クロハナアブの仲間? (0) / 14: ハチモドキバエの一種? (6) / 15: 京都府で得られたショウジョウバエ (4) / 16: タマバエの一種でしょうか? (2) / 17: むし (2) / 18: ヤドリバエ科Triarthria属 (7) / 19: 無題 (1) / 20: Leptodromiella属? (1) /

[ 指定コメント (No.1785) の関連スレッドを表示しています。 ]

And a fourth one 投稿者:Xespok 投稿日:2005/10/13(Thu) 19:54 No.1756  引用 
1. nigricans?
2. ???
3. basilaris?
4. basilaris?

Re: And a fourth one 投稿者:Xespok 投稿日:2005/10/13(Thu) 19:58 No.1757  引用 
In the Japanese Insect database there are only three entries. And nigricans is not present. Is that a non-valid species name or a synonym?

Re: And a fourth one 投稿者:バグリッチ 投稿日:2005/10/16(Sun) 08:27 No.1785  引用 
I think No2. is nigricans.(仆灼牧奔諺舗エ)
 So I think No.1 is not nigricans.But I do not know the species.

About No.3 and No.4,I think they are basilaris,too. (冏蔚論湫舗エ)

Please make sure.

Re: And a fourth one 投稿者:バグリッチ 投稿日:2005/10/16(Sun) 08:33 No.1786  引用 

 2はミスジヒメヒロクチバエ。3.4.はムネアカマダラバエ ではないかと思います。(思っているのです)


Re: 文字化け 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/10/16(Sun) 20:05 No.1787  引用 


Re: And a fourth one 投稿者:xespok 投稿日:2005/10/17(Mon) 22:16 No.1802  引用 

I think maybe 1 and 2 are the same species. I made the picture at the very same location, though Image 1 is from 2oo4 and Image 2 is from 2oo5. The two images are very similar, except the black markings on the wings are much stronger on the fly shown on Image 1. Maybe it is a gender difference, or individual variation.

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