[ƒgƒbƒv‚É–ß‚é] [’Êí•\Ž¦] [ƒAƒ‹ƒoƒ€] [—¯ˆÓŽ–€] [ƒ[ƒhŒŸõ] [‰ß‹ŽƒƒO] [‹Œ‰ß‹ŽƒƒO] [ŠÇ——p]
1: •xŽmŽR‚̃Aƒu (2) / 2: ƒNƒVƒcƒmƒAƒu‰È‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä (2) / 3: Eupachygaster tarsalisƒƒX? (1) / 4: ƒlƒOƒƒNƒTƒAƒuH‚Ì”²‚¯Šk (7) / 5: ƒ~ƒYƒAƒu‰ÈH•s–¾Ží‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä (5) / 6: ƒnƒiƒAƒu‰È•s–¾Ží (3) / 7: Choerades amurensis‚Å‚µ‚傤‚©H (6) / 8: Tabanus‘®H (2) / 9: –³‘è (2) / 10: –³‘è (3) / 11: ƒ„ƒhƒŠƒoƒG‚Ì•s–¾Ží‚ɂ‚«‚Ü‚µ‚Ä (2) / 12: –³‘è (2) / 13: ‚±‚ê‚Í‚È‚ñ‚Å‚µ‚傤‚©H (2) / 14: ƒnƒ`ƒ‚ƒhƒLƒoƒGH (3) / 15: –³‘è (0) / 16: ‘±‚«‚Å‚· (2) / 17: ƒnƒCƒWƒ}ƒnƒiƒAƒu‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä (5) / 18: Protopiophila‚Å‚µ‚傤‚©H (7) / 19: ƒNƒƒnƒiƒAƒu‚Ì’‡ŠÔH (0) / 20: ƒnƒ`ƒ‚ƒhƒLƒoƒG‚̈êŽíH (6) /

[ Žw’èƒRƒƒ“ƒg (No.1480) ‚ÌŠÖ˜AƒXƒŒƒbƒh‚ð•\Ž¦‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B ]

Fly with oversized head... “ŠeŽÒFxespok “Še“úF2005/07/15(Fri) 23:02 No.1474  ˆø—p 
I am not sure what this fly is. First I thought it is a Syrphidae sp. because it flew like one. Than I thought maybe it is Stratiomyidae. Now I think it is maybe Pipunculidae.

Re: Fly with oversized head... “ŠeŽÒFxespok “Še“úF2005/07/15(Fri) 23:03 No.1475  ˆø—p 
Another individual that I saw two weeks later than the previous fly.

–³‘è “ŠeŽÒFxespok “Še“úF2005/07/15(Fri) 23:04 No.1476  ˆø—p 
Another angle on the second fly.

Re: Fly with oversized head... “ŠeŽÒFƒnƒG’j “Še“úF2005/07/16(Sat) 01:28 No.1478  ˆø—p 
I think,Microchrysa flaviventris or Microchrysa sp. :Stratiomyidae.

Wing vien is not Syrhidae.

Re: Fly with oversized head... “ŠeŽÒFxespok “Še“úF2005/07/16(Sat) 08:15 No.1479  ˆø—p 

I find only one image of Michrochrysa flaviventris on the net:


But this species is clearly not the same with what I show here. Both the shape and coloration is different. Flaviventris means yellow-bellied, but the fly shown on the other website has metallic green abdomen (although the ventral part may still be yellow).


Re: Fly with oversized head... “ŠeŽÒFxespok “Še“úF2005/07/16(Sat) 08:20 No.1480  ˆø—p 
Actually I found an image showing the same species.


But I can not extract any information from that page.

Re: Fly with oversized head... “ŠeŽÒFƒnƒG’j “Še“úF2005/07/16(Sat) 09:15 No.1481  ˆø—p 
Michrochrysa flaviventris is known,male's abdomen is green-metallick and female's abdomen is yellow.

Re: Fly with oversized head... “ŠeŽÒFXespok “Še“úF2005/08/03(Wed) 19:55 No.1533  ˆø—p 

Re: Fly with oversized head... “ŠeŽÒFƒnƒG’j “Še“úF2005/08/03(Wed) 22:49 No.1534  ˆø—p 
Yes,@May be same species.

ˆ— ‹LŽ–No ˆÃ؃L[

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