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1: 富士山のアブ (2) / 2: クシツノアブ科について (2) / 3: Eupachygaster tarsalisメス? (1) / 4: ネグロクサアブ?の抜け殻 (7) / 5: ミズアブ科?不明種について (5) / 6: ハナアブ科不明種 (3) / 7: Choerades amurensisでしょうか? (6) / 8: Tabanus属? (2) / 9: 無題 (2) / 10: 無題 (3) / 11: ヤドリバエの不明種につきまして (2) / 12: 無題 (2) / 13: これはなんでしょうか? (2) / 14: ハチモドキバエ? (3) / 15: 無題 (0) / 16: 続きです (2) / 17: ハイジマハナアブについて (5) / 18: Protopiophilaでしょうか? (7) / 19: クロハナアブの仲間? (0) / 20: ハチモドキバエの一種? (6) /

[ 指定コメント (No.1373) の関連スレッドを表示しています。 ]

Unidentified Platystomatidae 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/06/19(Sun) 21:53 No.1354  引用 
I think this very nice fly belongs to Platystomatidae. This was quite common in late may but only for a week or so around Seika.

Re: Unidentified Platystomatid... 投稿者:ハエ男 投稿日:2005/06/21(Tue) 22:18 No.1367  引用 
May be ...Prosthiochaeta flavihirta(ハマダラヒロクチバエ)???? Platystomatidae.

Re: Unidentified Platystomatid... 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/06/23(Thu) 18:42 No.1373  引用 
Prosthiochaeta flavihirta gives only 1 hit at Google! And there are no images on the net. Is this a rare species? Or does it have a different name?

This is a very spectacular fly, relatively large and very pretty, I am surprised to see no images on the net!

Re: Unidentified Platystomatid... 投稿者:ハエ男 投稿日:2005/06/24(Fri) 09:35 No.1380  引用 
This one is which the new species publication was carried out in 1987. However, since I also see well, I think that it is not a rare species.

This one is seen on dung & woods Syrup.

HaraH(1987):A Revision of the Genus Prosthiochaeta (Diptera.Platystomatidae) Kontyu Tphyo,55(4)pp.684-695


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