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1: ガガンボ類の幼虫でしょうか? (6) / 2: トゲヒメヒラタアブでしょうか? (2) / 3: 京都府で得られたショウジョウバエ (5) / 4: 房総半島海浜のツルギアブ科(不明種?) (3) / 5: 富士山のアブ (2) / 6: クシツノアブ科について (2) / 7: Eupachygaster tarsalisメス? (1) / 8: ネグロクサアブ?の抜け殻 (7) / 9: ミズアブ科?不明種について (5) / 10: ハナアブ科不明種 (3) / 11: Choerades amurensisでしょうか? (6) / 12: Tabanus属? (2) / 13: 無題 (2) / 14: 無題 (3) / 15: ヤドリバエの不明種につきまして (2) / 16: 無題 (2) / 17: これはなんでしょうか? (2) / 18: ハチモドキバエ? (3) / 19: 無題 (0) / 20: 続きです (2) /

[ 指定コメント (No.1185) の関連スレッドを表示しています。 ]

Brachycera images uploaded 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/04/23(Sat) 11:22 No.1185 ホームページ  引用 

I uploaded my Brachycera images to my new site. I switched to a non-free web hosting company, since i had problems with my former free host.

Please find the images at


Note that there are some 400 images, and many of them I do not know what they are. All images are from the broader Kansai region.

If you click on the actual image like


you can leave a comment by clicking the <add comment> feature below the image.

Later on I would like to open the site for other people who want to upload their Animal images,although some Albums (for example the Lepidoptera, which is well organized through jpmoth.org) will remain closed.

I know many people make photos, but few have time to share them through the net.

There are also some new Nematocera images up there, so please feel free to add some comments.


Please use this function to write your opinion.

If you find some image interesting, just copy the image (Save as by right clicking on the mouse on Windows systems) and start a new thread here.

I'll be away for travelling for the next two weeks, so I'

Re: 良くも撮ったり・・ 投稿者:ハエ男 投稿日:2005/04/23(Sat) 14:33 No.1186  引用 


Xespok ,You have many Diptera's phot,I was surprised.
In your site phot imege,I identify some phot .

11717 Chrysomya pinguis ホホグロオビキンバエ
6034 Lucilia sericata ヒロズキンバエ

Unkown Family
11696 Graphora rufitibia /Muscidae ヒメセマダライエバエ
11693 Graphora rufitibia /Muscidae ヒメセマダライエバエ
5329 Hydrotaea ignava Muscidae /ヒメクロバエ or H.chalcogaster

Re: Brachycera images uploaded 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/05/10(Tue) 18:24 No.1242  引用 

I am back from the vacation. Thank you for the ID's. I made the corrections. If you or others have still time, there are still many mystery photos...


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