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Nematocera images (around 100) 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/04/06(Wed) 22:09 No.1115  引用 

I have too many images to be posted here and I do not want to flood the forum.

I uploaded my Nematocera images to my developing web page at


There are quite a few images which I can not put into families rigth now (but I have educaded guesses marked by the tag Presumed).

Can you help me to place these images to families? Also if you happen to known some species do not hesitate to tell me.

Please use the photo numbers as references. Also feel free to copy any images and put them on the forum, if you think it is interesting for some reason.


Re: Nematocera images (around ... 投稿者:ハエ男 投稿日:2005/04/07(Thu) 00:54 No.1118  引用 
I was surprised by your many photo.

But,I think, Now,It is difficult to identify Nematocera.
It is few Dipterist of study Nematocera.


Re: Nematocera images (around ... 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/04/07(Thu) 22:24 No.1119  引用 
I have updated the pages. Some Europaean friends helped me to place some of the Nematocera images to families, and also pointed out several misplacements.

I start to upload Brachycera images, but this will likely take several days, if not more. I hope that I do not run out space on my hosting plan.

If you are interested in Diptera, I recommend joining www.diptera.info , it is a nice site.


Re: おもしれ〜・・・ 投稿者:ハエ男 投稿日:2005/04/07(Thu) 23:58 No.1120  引用 
Diptera info はすごいサイトですね〜・・・


なかでもDownloadのコーナー(上の方薄い緑帯の中にあります。)の中にIdentification software  ってのがあっって、なんじゃこりゃ〜って見てみたら、British Insects: the Families of Dipteraっていう英国の双翅目の科の同定のためのソフトなのですが、やってみたら楽し〜んですよ。

あくまでも、英国の双翅用ではあるのですが、専門の文献がない方はすごく参考になるかもしれません。 (図もすごく出てくるし・・・)

Thanks Xespok.You taught good HP.

Re: Nematocera images (around ... 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/06/10(Fri) 19:50 No.1337  引用 
I uploaded another 200 or so Diptera images to my website. In total I have more than 500 Diptera images of several hundred species online. I saw many nice and interesting Diptera, and I'll post a few of them here later.



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