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[ 指定コメント (No.994) の関連スレッドを表示しています。 ]

Re: Family? Genus? Species? 投稿者:ハエ男 投稿日:2005/03/09(Wed) 13:22 No.1000  引用 

May be..."Anthomyia illocata Walker" Anthomyiidae is comon japanese species.


Re: Family? Genus? Species? 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/03/09(Wed) 15:19 No.1004  引用 
A. illocata does not seem to possess the white ring on thorax visible on this image.



Re: Family? Genus? Species? 投稿者:ハエ男 投稿日:2005/03/09(Wed) 16:52 No.1006  引用 
Anthomyia illocata Walker 
Thorax has grey-slilver dust ,and black belt under thoracic suture

if you need exact identification date,please,upload photoglaph ,wing,head,thorax lateral&dorsal view ,mele genitalia

Re: Family? Genus? Species? 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/03/09(Wed) 18:47 No.1009  引用 

"Anthomyia illocata Walker 
Thorax has grey-slilver dust ,and black belt under thoracic suture."

As far as I remember this fly was entirely black, black abdomen with notably the wings appearing blackish too. Not silvery or gray as most of the common Anthomyiidae. The only notable feature was the white ring on the otherwise black thorax.

I made this picture at an altitude of 1500m in Odaigahara Nara prefecture.

I do not collect specimens, so I think I have to be content with just Presumed Anthomyiidae. \

I enclose a different image, which shows the fly from different angle.

Thx for your help.

Re: Family? Genus? Species? 投稿者:ハエ男 投稿日:2005/03/09(Wed) 20:54 No.1019  引用 
Anthomyia illocata Walker is not black wings.
wing is clear.

Your image is different species.

I don't know Black wings Muscidae.
black wing fly is known Tachinidae.
May be this one is small Tachinidae species
but,your phot,can not seem wing vien.

Re: Family? Genus? Species? 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/04/16(Sat) 21:50 No.1140  引用 
Two days ago I caught a similar species. It is probably the same or very closely related genus. I made more photos from variuous angles.

Re: Family? Genus? Species? 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/04/16(Sat) 21:51 No.1141  引用 
Another view

Re: Family? Genus? Species? 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/04/16(Sat) 21:52 No.1142  引用 
Yet another view

Re: Family? Genus? Species? 投稿者:ハエ男 投稿日:2005/04/17(Sun) 01:46 No.1145  引用 
Tachinidae sp.
This image has subsucttelum, under suctellum.
Family? Genus? Species? 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/03/09(Wed) 11:29 No.994  引用 
My guess is Anthomyiidae or Muscidae. I have no idea what this could be.

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