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[ 指定コメント (No.1804) の関連スレッドを表示しています。 ]

無題 投稿者:xespok 投稿日:2005/10/17(Mon) 22:53 No.1804  引用 
I introduced this image at diptera.info:


I was told that it is Platycephala sp. in Chloropidae.

There appears to be only two species in HONSHU. P. sasae and P. subelongata. Do you know which one of these it is?

I observed it on sasa bamboo, so it is likely to be sasae, though the other species might also be a bamboo eating species.

platycephale 投稿者:Ichige 投稿日:2005/10/18(Tue) 09:20 No.1808  引用 

It is quotation from Kanmiya(1983)A systematic study of the Japanese Chlorophdae.

1. Frontal triangle broad, ......; mesonotum yellow in ground color with 3 reddish yellow to brown stripes...subelongata, new sp.

-. Frontal triangle much longer than wide, about 2.3-2.5x as long as wide,...........;mesonotum entirely blackish brown............sasae Nartshuk

If Gensu is correct, probably I will think that your photograph is sasae.I have not seen P. subelongata.

Kanmiya(1983) A systematic study of the Japanese Chlorophdae. Ent.Soc.Wah.11

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