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[ 指定コメント (No.1764) の関連スレッドを表示しています。 ]

Limna spp 投稿者:Xespok 投稿日:2005/10/13(Thu) 20:25 No.1759  引用 
There are two species of Limna in Honsu. Do you know how to separate them?

I think I have two Limna sp images, which look quite different. However, the second one might not be Limna sp.



Re: Limna spp 投稿者: 投稿日:2005/10/14(Fri) 11:13 No.1764  引用 
I think image1000021793 is Limna japonica.(ヤマトヤチバエ Yamato-yachibae)

image1000029664 is ??

Re: Limna spp 投稿者:バグリッチ 投稿日:2005/10/14(Fri) 22:17 No.1772  引用 
I think 1000029664 is Trigonometopus species.(Lauxaniidae) (=? T.forficula )

Perhaps,you can not see the color of the wings on my picture.
But I can see the same(?) color as your picture, with my sampules.

I think the species of my picture is very similar to your picture.
But I do not know whether it is the same spicies or not.

Re: Limna spp 投稿者:xespok 投稿日:2005/10/17(Mon) 22:28 No.1803  引用 
The Mokuroku database has only one species within gthe genus Trigonometopus on Honshu, T. frontalis. Do you know whether other species occcur too? T. forficula is not in the database. Maybe they are synonims?

I'll name the fly as T. frontalis temporarily.

It is surprising that Limna sp (Sciomyzidae) and Trigonometopus sp (Lauxaniidae) are so similar to each other.

Thx for your help.

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