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1: ハチモドキバエ? (2) / 2: 無題 (0) / 3: 続きです (2) / 4: ハイジマハナアブについて (5) / 5: Protopiophilaでしょうか? (7) / 6: クロハナアブの仲間? (0) / 7: ハチモドキバエの一種? (6) / 8: 京都府で得られたショウジョウバエ (4) / 9: タマバエの一種でしょうか? (2) / 10: むし (2) / 11: ヤドリバエ科Triarthria属 (7) / 12: 無題 (1) / 13: Leptodromiella属? (1) / 14: Bicellaria早春のヒメセダカオドリバエ? (4) / 15: ヒロクチバエ (2) / 16: 無題 (2) / 17: ハエハンドブック刊行のお知らせ (0) / 18: スイセンハナアブでしょうか?2 (2) / 19: スイセンハナアブでしょうか?3 (0) / 20: スイセンハナアブでしょうか?1 (0) /

[ 指定コメント (No.2232) の関連スレッドを表示しています。 ]

Tabanidae of Japan 投稿者:Xespok 投稿日:2006/04/08(Sat) 02:26 No.2230  引用 
Do you know any of these flies belonging to subfamily Tabaninae? Possibly all are Tabanus or Hirosia spp.

Re: Tabanidae of Japan 投稿者:Xespok 投稿日:2006/04/08(Sat) 02:27 No.2231  引用 
This one was the largest Tabanidae that I had seen in Japan.

Re: Tabanidae of Japan 投稿者:Xespok 投稿日:2006/04/08(Sat) 02:28 No.2232  引用 
Another one, a middle sized Tabanid fly.

Re: Tabanidae of Japan 投稿者:Xespok 投稿日:2006/04/08(Sat) 02:29 No.2233  引用 
This one was a smaller Tabanid species than the last two species.

Re: Tabanidae of Japan 投稿者:Xespok 投稿日:2006/04/08(Sat) 02:30 No.2234  引用 
And the last one. I have not seen too many species of Tabanidae in Japan, I think most species must be quite rare.

Re: Tabanidae of Japan 投稿者:ハエ男 投稿日:2006/04/11(Tue) 09:37 No.2240  引用 
No.2233image is Hirosia iyoensis イヨシロオビアブ ,This species is small Tabanidae.

Re: Tabanidae of Japan 投稿者:Xespok 投稿日:2006/04/12(Wed) 18:47 No.2261  引用 
Thank you.

The scutellum of Hirosia iyoensis イヨシロオビアブ is usually white,

for example: http://xespok.net/gallery/Tabaninae

but in 2233 it is greyish. There are many Hirosia sp. occuring in Japan, so I was not sure whether it is just a grey variant of H. iyoensis or a different H. species.

Re: Tabanidae of Japan 投稿者:ハエ男 投稿日:2006/04/14(Fri) 01:07 No.2271  引用 
Tabanidae identification need the enlargement image of an antenna and the frontal view of a head.

H.iyoensis is small Tabanidae.

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