The European Families of the Diptera 投稿者:茨城_市毛 投稿日:2009/01/23(Fri) 09:01:15 No.5002 円高を機会に,The European Families of the Dipteraを購入してみました. 旧北区の双翅目マニュアル(CMPD)が出てから殆ど経っていないのに,なぜこのような本が出版されたのか興味がありました. 予想ではCMPDのダイジェスト版と考えていましたが,巻頭に意外な一言が書かれていました. 「Identification of Diptera is often considered to be difficult. Experience shows that in particular the smaller species can present the student with various problems. This is partially due to the question whether the vein which forms the front margin of the wing (the costa) shows one or two breaks. or none at all. This character is used in many identification keys because of its reliability to distinguish between (groups of) families. It is nevertheless also sometimes a rather difficult character. Therefore. the key included here has been designed to employ this character as little as possible.」 従って,この本の検索では,殆どこの特徴を使っていないようです. 添付:5002.jpg (3KB) |