
Calliphoridae images 投稿者:Xespok 投稿日:2005/08/05(Fri) 18:17 No.1539
Image 1
Re: Calliphoridae images - Xespok 2005/08/05(Fri) 18:18 No.1540
Image 1

Re: Calliphoridae images - Xespok 2005/08/05(Fri) 18:20 No.1541
Image 2

Re: Calliphoridae images - Xespok 2005/08/05(Fri) 18:21 No.1542
Image 3

Other view:


Re: Calliphoridae images - Xespok 2005/08/05(Fri) 18:28 No.1547
The first two images show possibly the same species, and a likley Calliphora. C. lata? C. nigribalbis?

The third image is likely to be Pollenia sp.

Re: Calliphoridae images - ハエ男 2005/08/06(Sat) 20:01 No.1552
I think ,image 1 & image 2 is Calliphora lata.

image 3 is Pollenia japonica---kinpatsu-hime-kurobae (Calliphoridae), This species thorax has much golden hear.and,body is black or dark-brown.
Pollenia live in mountain area or woods area.not common species.

Re: Calliphoridae images - Xespok 2005/08/08(Mon) 19:53 No.1558
Thx for your help.

The Pollenia species must be uncommon, since this is the only individual that I have ever seen.

Calliphora lata seems to be a very early species in the lowlands, but much later at higher elevations. It was quite common a week ago at an elevation of 2000-2400m.

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